Terms and conditions Rides

By using Rides, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

- We provide all information "as is". No rights can be derived from it.

- It is not allowed to use any material from Rides on other websites or applications without prior permission.

- When you use Rides, we will store some data. Read our privacy statement for more information:

Privacy statement

- When submitting content we assume that you have created it yourself. It is not allowed to submit content from others.

- It is not allowed to submit offensive content. All content submitted is subject to moderation and we have the right to refuse content.

- You are not allowed to create multiple accounts for yourself. Duplicate accounts will be deleted and we have the option to block you permanently.

- We may block or delete your account or deny you access to the app without providing a reason.

- We cannot be held liable for any damage caused when using Rides.

Do you have questions about the terms and conditions or the use of Rides? Please contact us at mail@rides.eu.

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