As a Rides member you can collect awards and jetons by checking in at theme parks and rides.

How does it work?

If you are at a theme park, use the Rides app to check in at theme parks and rides. For every park check in you will receive up to 50 jetons and for every ride check in up to 15 jetons. In addition, there are various other actions you can take to receive jetons, but this is for you to discover!

Using your check ins you also have the chance to win fun, digital Rides Awards. You'll get a notification when you will receive an award. In your settings you can indicate whether you want to receive notifications via push and/or e-mail.

What can I do with the jetons?

You can use the jetons to redeem them in our shop to get cool merchandise 😎.

What can I do with the award?

Absolutely nothing! But they are nice collector items :)

I'm going to cheat with a GPS faker

Yes, of course you can do that. But then you have a chance of winning the famous "Loser award" 🙄. In addition, suspicious activities will be monitored and you will be excluded from further awards and jetons and you cannot redeem any jetons in our shop.

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